Display solutions

We always strive to help our customers realise additional sales of our products.
It’s never easy to create the perfect visual eye-catcher to capture the customer’s overriding attention.

Fortunately, we have solutions for this.

Display solutions for effective sales.

In addition to packages, our products can be delivered in pre-packed sales displays adapted to standard pallet sizes, ready to roll into place and ready to sell - without any extra time wasted - that’s what we call efficient selling.

Just a small selection is shown here.

HORNUM® Næring i 1/4-palle display

HORNUM® mix-display

1/4-pallet cardboard display with space for 90 x 350 ml bottles.

Product no. 401267

Kent & Stowe

2-sided metal display with a spike for hanging kids tools.

Product no. 70906542

Kent & Stowe

Wooden display with a spike for hanging gardening gloves.

Product no. 70902400